12 years ago, muddy water came in the streams of Deepanagar and Sukhkhanagar of Butwal.Consumers became very angry. They not only chanted slogans in front of the Nepal Water Supply Corporation, but also fed the employees.The problem is the same now.He says the river will return in twelve years. But the water problem in Butwal is the same.
In Butwal, 25 million liters of water is distributed from Tinau River and 20 different groundwater sources through Drinking Water Corporation and various consumer committees. The demand is 34 million liters. At present, there is a shortage of 10 million liters of drinking water daily.With the rapid urbanization and increasing population, the demand for drinking water in Butwal is increasing by more than 1.5 million liters per year, officials say. In the dry season, only half of the demand is met by drinking water supply.It is not that there is no work to solve the shortage of drinking water, sometimes underground and sometimes from the source of the river, but the projects started 15 years ago have not been completed.Some projects were abandoned, some were returned.The municipality had started the project with a loan grant from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for the former 9th and 10th of Butwal, which has the most shortage of drinking water. The agreement was signed on October 26, 2010 with a loan assistance of Rs. 223.77 million under the Medium and Integrated Urban Environment Project. But ADB has canceled the agreement forever, saying it could not work.He canceled the contract in December 2018 after the work could not start even after three extensions.If the project had gone ahead, more than 6,000 consumers of those wards would have been able to consume drinking water from the same project.These wards still have more drinking water problem than others in Butwal.
The Sisne Drinking Water Project costing Rs. After the project failed, it was promoted as Jhumsa Drinking Water Project. The Jhumsa Drinking Water Project, which was started in 2052 BS, is still in a state of neglect.The drinking water project to be brought from Jhumsa of Tinau village of Palpa, 13 and a half kilometers away from Butwal Ramphedi, was abandoned after a complaint was lodged about irregularities in the purchase of pipes.If the project, which was started to be completed in five years, was completed, the shortage of 5 million liters of drinking water in Butwal would be met daily. Even though crores of rupees have been spent, the pipes purchased by the Nepal Water Supply Corporation are now rusty.In 2072 BS, the Nepal Water Supply Corporation had said that the work of Jhumsa Drinking Water Project was 70 percent completed.At that time, pipeline expansion, intake (construction of pond collecting water from the river) were being constructed. The flood in Tinau in 2073 BS flooded the intake. The flood also shattered the dream of the people of Butwal who were waiting to get drinking water from Jhumsa along with the intake built with an investment of over Rs 5 million.The technical team that monitored the intake after it was flooded concluded that it was flooded due to poor design and materials used.According to a member of the team, 12 mm and 16 mm steel rods used in ordinary houses were used in the intake constructed in the main dam of the project while the structure of the intake was made with a gap of 8 inches.
The construction work of the project, which is considered as a long-term solution to the drinking water problem of Butwal, has been resumed. Finance Minister and CPN (Maoist) General Secretary Bishnu Poudel laid the foundation stone at the site last month.The project is targeted to be completed within the next two years, i.e. by June 2079 BS.Work has also started on the construction of the main transmission pipeline along with the dam. Work has started to extend the 500 and 250 MMDI pipes to 13 kilometers and 500 meters. This work is also targeted to be completed by 2079 BS.The project costing Rs. 6.35 billion will cost Rs. 736.4 million for the construction of dams and other structures. It is estimated that it will cost Rs. 5.61 billion to build water treatment system, storage tank, distribution system and other structures.Reaching Phirphire Ghat along with officials of the Nepal Water Supply Corporation, leaders of different levels of political parties and civic leaders, Finance Minister Poudel has instructed the officials of the concerned agencies to work on time for the sensitive items like water without any hesitation.Finance Minister Poudel describes the Jhumsa Drinking Water Project as the Melamchi of Butwal. He claims that Butwal will not have drinking water problem for 50 years after the completion of Jhumsa Drinking Water Project.There is a plan to bring the water to Butwal through two big pipes after the construction of the intake.
A 10-inch pipe has already been laid from Jhumsa to Ramfedi in Butwal to fetch water, but now 20-inch pipes will be added. A 20-inch pipe has already been laid from Jhumsa to Phirphire dam site. An additional 20-inch pipe will be laid there as well.Mohandatta Bhatta, chief of the Butwal Drinking Water Project, said that a dam is being constructed at a distance of 500 meters from the previous site to prevent flooding this time.
Chief of Butwal Sub-metropolis Shivaraj Subedi said that the sub-metropolis is preparing a drinking water master plan in collaboration with the Nepal Water Supply Corporation.”Drinking water master plan is being prepared keeping in view the population density of Butwal for the next five decades,” he said.He said that cooperation is being maintained between the three levels of government to implement the master plan through Butwal Drinking Water Project.Along with this, a long-term drinking water project has been started in Wadanambar 7 and 8 of Butwal. Savik Vada no. These two wards, 9 and 10, have the most drinking water problem. Subedi said that drinking water has been distributed through a pipeline from Boring near Deepakanta in front of the yarn factory to Deepanagar.Subedi claimed that new work has been started in line with the goal of solving the problems of these two wards first.The project, which was started in collaboration with Nepal Water Supply Corporation and Butwal Sub-metropolis at a cost of Rs.
At present, the population is more than two lakh and it is increasing day by day due to migration and rapid urbanization. According to the statistics of the sub-metropolis, 600 to 700 new taps are distributed every year. This will also confirm how the population is growing, says Butwal Urban Development Division Chief Engineer Suman Shrestha.